Yoga in The Courtyard

Join us for our Yoga in the Courtyard series and enjoy a peaceful outdoor yoga session in our beautiful center courtyard.

We are thrilled to welcome Parinaz Salehi, a seasoned power yoga instructor with over a decade of experience in teaching and personal practice. Trained in the Baptiste method, Parinaz focuses on form, alignment, and breath control, providing students with all the essential tools for a powerful and effective yoga practice.

Remember to bring your own yoga mat, and note that classes are weather permitting.

Space is limited, so be sure to reserve your spot early. Reservations are required below.

Session Bookings

  • Please choose the date you wish to attend
  • I, the undersigned, and if I am a person under 18 years of age, my parents and I (hereafter “I) realize that Yoga Fitness requires intense physical exertion and has an inherent risk of injury, or possible death. I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with a physician regarding my participation in this and any other Yoga Fitness classes prior to participating in any class. I agree to assume all risk of any property damage, personal injury or death that I might suffer which may be associated with, or result in any way from, my participation in any Yoga Fitness activities, events or related activities associated with Grand America Hotel, LLC and/or ________________________. I hereby fully and forever release Grand America Hotel, LLC, its parent, subsidiary, brother, sister, closely related affiliated companies and all of their officers and directors, employees, agents and property owners (collectively hereafter "Grand America"), and ________________________ as the class instructor of my activities from any and all claims, actions, demands, or liability for any injury or death occurring in or about the premises or in any way connected with my participation in any Yoga session/class/event, even if an accident, property damage, injury or death is the sole or partial fault of Grand America and/or ___________________. I have carefully read this Agreement. I FULLY UNDERSTAND THAT THIS IS A RELEASE OF LIABILITY which will legally PREVENT me or any other person from filing a suit or making any other legal claim in the event of my death or injury to me, AND SIGN THIS ON MY OWN FREE WILL. I further agree that my obligation to INDEMNIFY AND HOLD GRAND AMERICA HARMLESS applies not only to a situation of causing injury, damage or death, but for any alleged fault caused by, or arising from, the negligence of Grand America, its employees, agents, affiliated companies, or insurers, even if Grand America is the sole or partial cause of any injury, property damage or death to any person, or entity. I also understand my obligation to INDEMNIFY AND HOLD GRAND AMERICA HARMLESS, even if an accident, damage, injury or death is the sole or partial fault of Grand America. This agreement is binding upon my heirs, assigns, and legal representatives.
  • By clicking here, I state that I have read and understood the release of liability agreement.