Your End of Summer Itinerary at The Grand America

With the onset of August brings the days of back-to-school prepping, and as the sun begins to set on another summer season it's easy to fall into the season ending slump. But while the sun still shines and days are still more free to explore, take advantage of the opportunity to make the transition into fall a celebratory occasion. Whether enjoying the best in back-to-school shopping or coordinating a fun final hurrah for the whole family, getaway to The Grand America for connection, relaxation, and a whole lot of summer fun. 

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Faces of The Grand: Javier Robles

When you work at The Grand America, you start to hear a commonly spoken mantra: be careful what you say when Javier is in earshot. Before you know it, that thing you offhandedly mentioned, or indirectly wished for, will suddenly–as if by magic–appear. As Banquets Director, Javier Robles creates unforgettable experiences for individual guests on an unimaginable scale.

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